Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

U-KISS Interviem on 22 februari


Just like ‘Man Man Ha Ni’, the latest release by U-KISS ‘Bingeul Bingeul’ is also racing towards the top spot in the music industry. ‘Bingeul Bingeul’ which is U-KISS’s title song from the 1st album, is composed by Brave Brothers, who has been working with them since their debut.

Seperti ‘Man Man Ha Ni’, rilisan terbaru dr U-KISS ‘Bingeul Bingeul’ jg meroket didunia industri musik. ‘Bingeul Bingeul’ adlh jdul lagu U-KISS dr 1st album, yg dkomposi oleh Brave Brothers, yg berkerja sama dgn mrk sjak mrk debut.

For U-KISS, their activities for the 1st full album are really important. As a popular idol group, it’s a stepping stone to obtain higher achievements.

utk U-KISS, aktifitas mrk utk 1st album sangat penting. Seperti sebuah grup idola popular, ini adlh sbuah langkah yg baik utk mndptkan prestasi yg lbh tinggi.

We get to meet U-KISS on the 17th where they showed their overflowing confidence. All 7 members agreed “First of all, our goal is to get the #1 spot. We haven’t got the #1 spot yet, so this wish is our priority right now.”

Kami dpt bertemu U-KISS pda tgl 17 kemarin dmana mrk dpt menunjukan penuh kepercayaan mrk. Ke-semua 7 member yakin “Pertama-tama, tujuan kami adlh utk mndptkan psisi #1. Kami td mndpt posisi #1 lgi, sehingga keinginan ini adlh prioritas kami sekarang.”

  • “Bingeul Bingeul’s Whirlwind Dance’ Another Hot Stuff!”

Their 1st full album entitled ‘\’U-KISS 1st ONLY ONE’ was released last February 3rd and entered music charts as well as the music video charts at #1 and #2 respectively a day later. It means a lot to them because lots of fans were waiting for the release of the title track. The ‘Whirlwind Dance’ which is as addictive as ‘Strong Guy Dance’, is already becoming a big hit.

1st album mrk yg brjudul ‘\’U-KISS 1st ONLY ONE’ tlah dirilis pda tgl 3 Februari dan msuk kberbgai chart musik dgn baik bserta chart musik video dgn posisi #1 dan #2 dlm wkt singkat. Ini smua dperuntukan oleh mrk pda byk fans yg menunggu track ini drilis. The ‘Whirlwind Dance’ ini sangat adiktif dgn ‘Strong Guy Dance’, yg akn mnjadi hit besar.

“We felt dizzy as we keep turning round and round. (Hahaha) We don’t know if people see it, but there are times that we get confused for a couple of seconds on stage after turning around so much. But now we’re doing fine since we’ve got used to it” (Eli)

”Kami merasa pusing ketika harus berbalik dan berputar. (Hahaha) kami tdk tau jika orang-orang melihat ini, tapi ada saat-saat yg membuat kami bingung selama beberapa detik di atas panggung setelah berbalik begitu banyak. Tapi skrg kami baik-baik saja karena kami sdh terbiasa dengan hal ini” (Eli)

“Compared to our ‘Man Man Ha Ni’, we use hands-free mics in order to give advantages during performance. We’re really like it as it (the song) has stronger and more masculine feeling.” (Kibum)

Dibandingkan dgn ‘Man Man Ha Ni’, kami gunakan hands-free mics dlm bentuk utk memberikan kemdhan selama tampil. Kami benar-benar menyukainya karena (lagu ini) lbh kuat dan lebih perasaan maskulin. (Kibum)

Actually, it’s a pity that they didn’t get to promote ‘Man Man Ha Ni’ for a longer period of time. They could have created a fever/trend by appearing on the entertainment variety programs. Dongho said in a cute way “Now is the season on Winter Olympics, I think that ‘Man Man Ha Ni’ song can be used to tell the opponents that Korea is not an easy country (in sports), right? At least, that’s what I think.”

Sebenarnya, ini sangat sayang sekali bahwa mereka tidak mendptkan untuk wkt yg panjang utk mempromosikan ‘Man Man Ha Ni’. Mereka bisa menciptakan demam/tren dgn muncul di berbagai program hiburan. Dgn imut-nya, Dongho mngatakan “skrg musim Winter Olympics, aku rasa lagu ‘Man Man Ha Ni’ itu dpt digunakan utk mengatakan kepada lawan bahwa Korea adalah negara yang tidak mudah utk dikalahkan (dalam olahraga), kan? Paling tidak, itulah yg aku pikir.”

However, what’s more important for U-KISS is to show their new images to all the music fans. 2 years after debuting, they finally released their 1st full album that showcased their passion and hard work that they have been hiding all this while. The album contains a total of 14 tracks including their debut song ‘Not Young’ as well as ‘I Like You’, ‘Man Man Ha Ni’, all in remix version while the new songs are ‘Bingeul Bingeul’, ‘Without You’, ‘What’ etc.

Namun, apapun yg lbh penting utk U-KISS adlh utk menunjukkan new images mrk kpd smua pnggemar musik. 2 thn stlah debut, akhirnya mrk merilis 1st album dgn memamerkan semangat mrk dan kerja keras yang telah disembunyikan slama ini. Isi album mrk trdiri dari 14 track jdul lagu termasuk lagu debut mrk ‘Not Young’ dan jg ‘I Like You’, ‘Man Man Ha Ni’, smuanya dlm versi remix tak trkecuali lagu terbaru mrk sperti ‘Bingeul Bingeul’, ‘Without You’,’What’, dll.

“Our 1st full album contains songs from our debut days as well as from the single albums, and the reason of including the remix version of those songs are because they were too precious and we want to you to listen to those songs again.” (Soohyun)

”1st album kami berisi dari lagu-lagu debut kami dan lagu-lagu dari single album, dan alasan termasuk versi remix dari lagu-lagu kami karena mereka terlalu berharga dan kami ingin kalian untuk mendengarkan lagu-lagu lagi ini.” (Soohyun)

“While working for this album, the electricity went out so many times as during the filming of the MV. I really want this album to hit the jackpot. Hahaha” (Dongho)

“Disaat bekerja utk album ini, listrik sering padam saat pembuatan MV. Aku benar-benar ingin album ini jackpot. Hahaha” (Dongho)

  • ‘Loosely Idol’ U-KISS “No leader but we’ll here for each other~”

U-KISS will benefit from the popularity of its members as each topics related to the members will lead them to U-KISS. They have a good teamwork than other groups, and lift up the atmosphere by saying “Whenever we’re together, we’ll laugh till we feel exhausted”.

U-KISS akan mendptkan keuntungan dari popularitas anggotanya karena setiap topik yang terkait dengan anggota akan menuntun mereka ke grup mrk, U-KISS. Mereka memiliki kerja sama tim yang baik daripada kelompok lain, dan mengangkat suasana dengan mengatakan “Setiap kali kita bersama-sama, kita akan tertawa sampai kita merasa lelah”.

Alexander said “Our team has no leader. Each of us has the responsibilities like a leader to remind us about life. We’re never been to the training camp either but our relationship is like real brothers.”

Alexander mngatakan “Kami adlh tim tnpa leader. Setiap dari kami mempunyai tanggung jawab seperti seorang pemimpin utk mengingatkan kami tentang kehidupan. Kami pernah ke kamp pelatihan baik tapi hubungan kami seperti saudara nyata.”

The cheerful and friendly atmosphere that the team brought whenever they were in an entertainment variety programs has left them with a nickname ‘Loosely Idol’. Among them, the youngest Dongho has become the blue-chip of the entertainment variety programs, by receiving an explosive lovecalls from the PDs. Being a member of KBS 2TV ‘Invincible Baseball Team’ program, Dongho has played a major role in making U-KISS’s name known to the public naturally.

Yang ceria dan ramah suasana bahwa tim dibawa setiap kali mereka berada di berbagai program hiburan telah meninggalkan mereka dengan julukan ‘Loosely Idol’. Diantaranya, si magnae Dongho yg menjdi blue-chip dari berbagai program hiburan, dengan menerima bahan peledak lovecalls dari byk PD. Mnjdi anggota dr acra KBS 2TV ‘Invincible Baseball Team’, Dongho mnjadi pemain utama membuat nama U-KISS byk dkenal publik scra natural.

Dongho who appeared with his cute and aegyo through the entertainment variety programs, has become a hot topic among the internet’s reporters recently. He recently revealed that his ideal woman in actress Shin Min Ah. Dongho revealed “I only said once that I like stylish woman, and that statement is killing me now”.

Dongho yg muncul dgn manis dan aegyo melalui berbagai program hiburan, telah menjadi topik panas di kalangan wartawan internet itu baru-baru ini. Baru baru ini dia mngatakan bahwa wanita idealnya adlh aktris Shin Min Ah. Dongho mngungkapkan “sjak itu aku brkta, aku ska gaya wanita, dan prnytaan itu mmbunuhku skrg”.

Soohyun informed that they will be active in entertainment variety programs as well as promoting their newly released album. Recently, a rumor about the witty & talkative Soohyun and 2AM’s Jokwon ‘Dating’ was brought up through one entertainment variety program.

Soohyun diberitahu bahwa mrk akan aktif dlm berbagai program hiburan serta mempromosikan album mereka yang baru dirilis. Baru-baru ini, sebuah rumor tentang si cerdas & si cerewet Soohyun dan 2AM’s Jokwon ‘Kencan’ dibesarkan melalui salah satu program berbagai hiburan.

Soohyun spoke about his close relationship with Jokwon “Our families are really close ever since our trainee days (JYPE trainees), so we know each other’s personality inside and outside. Of course I’d be happier than the others when 2AM received #1.”

Soohyun berbicara tentang hubungan dekat dengan Jokwon “keluarga kami benar-benar dekat sejak peserta hari pelatihan kami (JYPE trainee), sehingga kita saling mengenal kepribadian dalam dan luar. Tentu saja aku akan lebih bahagia daripada yang lain ketika 2AM diterima di posisi #1.”

Eli and Kibum too, leave a big impression through their participation in Thai drama “Autumn’s Destiny”. The two of them who has a sculpture image as well as solid body, have made people anticipate seeing them as actors.

Eli dan Kibum juga, meninggalkan kesan yang besar melalui partisipasi mereka dalam drama Thai “Autumn’s Destiny”. Dua dari mereka yang memiliki citra yg baik serta postur body yg bagus, telah membuat orang mengantisipasi melihat mereka sebagai aktor.

U-KISS differentiated themselves with the other idol groups. “We’re more international. The members come from different backgrounds, and initially planned as an international group. Each member knows at least 1 or 2 foreign languages. That was the reason why we held our debut stage in Japan.”

U-KISS membedakan diri dengan kelompok yang lain.”Kami lebih internasional. Para anggota berasal dari latar belakang yang berbeda, dan pada awalnya direncanakan sebagai kelompok internasional. Setiap anggota tahu setidaknya 1 atau 2 bahasa asing. Itulah alasan mengapa kami mengadakan tahap debut kami di Jepang.”

U-KISS said “We must get our recognition in Korea first in order to have successful international activities. Receiving love from our domestic (Korea) fans is much more important than the international activities.”

U-KISS mengatakan, “Kami harus mendapatkan pengakuan di Korea utk pertama telah sukses kegiatan internasional. Menerima cinta dari negeri kami (Korea) penggemar jauh lebih penting daripada kegiatan-kegiatan internasional.”

U-KISS will end their 1st album activities by having large-scale fan meetings as well as concerts in Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan as other Asian countries starting in April.

U-KISS akan mngakhiri aktifitas 1st album mrk dgn mlakukan fanmeeting berskala besar serta konser di Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan dan brbagai negara Asia lainnya yg akn dmulai pda bulan April.

“We want to be a group that receives lots of love through music and the members…like DBSK and Sechkiss sunbaenim. We want to be the first idol to have a car’s commercial too. Hahaha!”

“Kami ingin menjadi kelompok yang menerima banyak cinta melalui musik dan anggota… seperti DBSK dan Sechkiss sunbaenim. Kami ingin menjadi idola pertama punya mobil komersial juga. Hahaha!”

Credits: mk.co.kr + contiukiss.wp (English translation) + jaymie501@ROCKTEBOXX.NET (English translation) + Vie @ AAU Blog (Indonesia Translation)

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